Attracting Your Dream Wedding Photography Clients

We have all heard the phrase “ideal client” and that might look a little different to everyone.

Who are your dream clients and how TF do you find them?

your ideal client should love what you do, be easy for you to connect with, and trust in you as a creative.

Those dream clients are out there looking for you too. 

But you’ve got to know where, and how to get yourself out there in front of these dream clients…

If you’re like us a prefer to listen in and hear the deeper dive into this topic, listen to the podcast episode, or for the written version, read below.

Client Connection Over wedding trends

Often times we hear ideal clients described by their physical attributes. Attracting your ideal wedding photography clients is all about that deep connection, not whatever outfit they’re wearing.

Don’t be swayed by trendy wedding decor or picture-perfect looks. If you do, you’ll forever be chasing shifting trends with your photography and end up doing the work that doesn’t make your heart beat faster.

Look for couples who you feel inspired by or would even be friends with

For example, maybe you’re extremely inspired by nature. Look for couples who love the outdoors, who spend their weekends exploring national parks or surfing your local beaches.

Find your best work that can resonate with your dream clients, and share those weddings on Instagram, on your blog… and everywhere else online. 

Using SEO and Blogging: Get Discovered Through Google

In a world that's all about the digital hustle, you need to have a killer online presence. That's where SEO comes in as a super sustainable, long-term approach to attracting wedding photography clients.

Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your website and blog posts, especially when you're talking about specific locations, styles of weddings and venues.

Think about what your ideal client would be searching for. Maybe you’re looking for adventurous couples. Maybe that type of client would be searching for wedding dress designers like Rue de Seine. Maybe you’re looking for couples who prioritize raw, emotional photographs. Speak to them in your social media captions and on your website for a better chance to be found.

This will help throw your name in the hat for your ideal clients as they're searching for photographers or videographers online. 

The easiest and most effective way of blogging for wedding photographers is showcasing real weddings and sessions that are in sync with your ideal client’s vibe. 

Include details about your client experience, the emotions captured, and all the unique aspects of each wedding day. 

Let your audience feel the passion through your words and images on your blog posts - and become a magnet for potential clients who resonate with your style and vision.

For example, let’s say your ideal client is someone who values feeling and emotion in your work over specific wedding trends.

Maybe you recently shot a wedding with a much more intimate ceremony and backyard dinner for 20 people. With the intimate moments your couple was able to share without all the distractions, it was a wedding that embodied the deeply emotional and creative personalities you’re wanting to attract.

In your blog post, you can describe the details, the emotions you captured, and how the couple's love story inspired you to create your imagery. 

By sharing these stories, you're giving potential clients a glimpse into the type of experiences they can expect when working with you.

using Social Media to find your dream clients: Instagram Magic

Let's talk social media. Instagram and Pinterest are where the party's at, especially for wedding photographers and videographers - because it’s a visual platform where people want to look at beautiful images and video. 

It’s also where your dream clients are looking for wedding vendors and photographers.

Once the algorithm has caught on that they’re looking for wedding vendors… you can bet that they’ll start seeing other wedding content from people they don’t follow yet - AKA you.

When you're posting, make sure to geotag and use location-specific hashtags to catch the attention of couples looking for photographers in those areas. 

If you want to shoot elopements in Zion, use the hashtag #zionelopementphotographer in your captions.

If you don’t have work in these areas yet, that’s ok. Use photos that you love and that feel strong to bring your ideal clients eyes to your page.

You can also set up styled shoots in your ideal locations with likeminded vendors in that area. By tagging each other and sharing each others work, you'll expand your reach and attract more potential clients.

Showcasing your personality and the process behind your work will help people connect with you on a personal level. They'll see that you're not just another faceless photographer or videographer, but a human being who brings something special to the table.

is your work strong enough?

Ask yourself this question. You can apply every tip we just listed, but at the end of the day, your ideal clients will be looking for work that moves them.

Once someone finds your portfolio, do you have the type of photos your dream couple would be looking for? We’re not talking about pretty faces. We’re talking about the way your images make people feel.

This is where developing your craft is key.

The better photos you take, the better you can capture a moment - the better you can communicate to your ideal client that YOU are for THEM.

You want to be taking pictures you can’t WAIT to share on your Instagram feed, and on your blog. To help you take your couple’s photography to a whole new level we created The Posing Course.

Stay True to Your Authentic Self

It’s too easy to search for inspiration and copy other photographers work. It’s time for you to figure out what lights your fire and makes you feel creatively full.

Don't try to fit into a mold or wedding photography style just because it's popular or trendy. 

Embrace your unique vision and let your authentic personality take the wheel. Potential clients who resonate with your vibe will be drawn to you like moths to a flame.

It can be scary to show the real you to the world and feel like you’re eliminating half of your clientele. Just remember, your people are out there and the more you show them who you are, the better chance you’ll have of them booking with you.

Go Get 'Em. 

Get yourself out there, share your content, share your passion - that’s when you become a dream client magnet. You’ve got this!


Posing Tips For Wedding & Couples Photography


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